New Strong Wave Of Coronavirus:
If we see in our past two yeas Covid-19 destroyed every field of life all around the World. Lot of people who was doing their business every thing finished. Lot of people lost their jobs. Yet nothing become normal and other side we just hear that New Coronavirus wave start in African countries. According to World Health Organization (WHO) this wave is much stronger then the past waves. Name of new Coronavirus wave is "Omicron" given by WHO.
If we talk about overseas workers in past period of Covid-19 waves. They also disturbed as others. Some workers lost their jobs dude to companies don't have works for workers. Some workers who want to visit their motherlands after working of many years but they don't visit last year because flights are not available for their countries. And some workers are those who go to their motherlands before Covid-19 spread all around the work after this all flights are stopped so they can't travel back to country where they work.
After this now conditions are something under controlled but after hearing that the new wave of Coronavirus is coming and soon spread all around the world if all countries don't Follow SOP's recommended by World Health Organization (WHO).
One side if we see its a good point to Follow World Health Organization (WHO) SOP's. But on other side if you see the labor, small businessman, shop keepers, workers who don't have permanent jobs and Overseas Workers who are working in other countries far from their motherlands they will be badly damaged in this New Wave of Coronavirus.
So our pint at this platform is World Health Organization (WHO) and International Organization For Migration (IOM) need to think about overseas workers as every country think about their population.
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Regards: Faheem Haider FH001