How We Can Select Food In Malaysia?
Nasi Lemak(Malaysian Dish) |
It's a common question. Malaysia have a lot of communities, like Malay, Chinese, Indian, Bangla and Pakistani. These all communities are leaving in Malaysia for a long time. Philippines and Indonesian are also living in Malaysia but they just come to work they don't prefer to stay permanently.
So, due to many communities we can find variety of food in Malaysia we can find easily Bangla, Indian, Chinese and Pakistani food. Mostly Malay, Bangla and Indian food is same so we can find mostly Malay, Chinese, Bangla or Indian restaurants. Pakistani food is different then these countries so that's why Pakistani restaurant is hard to find from them. Its one major reason is Pakistani community is low in number then other outside communities.
Ethnic Percentage In Malaysia:
According to Department Of Statistics Malaysia ethnic composition in percentage is written bellow;
Malaysian: 69.6%
Chinese: 22.6%
Indian: 6.8%
Others: 1.0%
Pakistani falls in Others so you can think why Pakistani food is hard to find. But mostly cities and towns have Pakistani restaurants but due to just some restaurants prices are little bit high then the Malay or Bangla restaurants.
How We Can Manage Food Expense:
Now, question is how a Pakistani worker can manage food expense in Malaysia? Its not a hard task we have some options to manage expense.
1> Cook By Self
2> Group Cooking
3> Select Your Meal From Different Restaurants
Cook By Self:
Its a best option according to me in this way you can safe money as well as you can manage a best taste according to your choice. But if you don't know how to cook, you can't manage it.
Group Cooking:
Its also a good choice if you people living in a group you can cook togather. In this way you can save a lot of money and lot of time. If you don't know how to cook you can select any easy work for you which you can do easily. But one problem in this way is if your group don't have equality it will be a problem to manage. So try to make equality to enjoy group cooking.
Select Your Meal From Different Restaurants:
Its a hard way but you can save money in this way as well. How we can select meal from different places?
"Biryani" At Indian Restaurant |
If you want to eat Roti you can buy it from any Pakistani restaurant and can buy vegetable or chicken from any Malay or Indian restaurant. You can get almost same thing but in low price and if you want to eat rice always go to Malay restaurant to make your bill short
Hope you people learned from our food related Blog of Malaysia
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Regards: Faheem Haider FH001