How We Can Apply For Malaysian Visa Online OR By Hands?
It's not a difficult process. We just need to follow Malaysian worker visa RULE to get visa without any problem some major rules are written bellow:
> Applicant Age Must Be 18 Years OR Less Then 45 Years (45+ can apply but mostly immigration don't allow aged people for work permit)
> Applicant Have No Addiction Of Any Drug
> Applicant Must Be Fit All Over
> Applicant Can't Do Outside work OR Can't Do Work Other Then Calling Compony
> Applicant Must Have 6 Month Valid Passport
Applicant Not Addicted To Any Drug:
According to other countries Malaysia also don't allow drugs in country. So if you are addicted to any drug or using any drug in your daily life, YOU can't go Malaysia for work. Because before applying VISA, a medical report from any Malaysian Immigration recommended LAB is required. If your body detected any drug so you can't apply for Malaysian visa for 6 months because you report received to Malaysian Immigration online.
Malaysian immigration have rule if your report rejected first time you can apply again after 6 months if you free up your body from drugs.
One more major thing in medical is body temperature. Your body must have normal body temperature that is 37C*.
Some Tips To Get You Medical Report Perfect For VISA:
> Drink a lot of Water
> Eat Vegies and Fruit
> Use Malt Drinks
> Stop Smoking Before Some Days Of Medical
> Don't Use Any Cough Syrups Before Medical
Applicant Can't Do Work Other Then Calling Compony :
In Malaysia if you want to do work, you must need to do contract with compony for some years. During contract period you are not allowed to do work out side or do work in any other compony. If you avoid your contract compony have right to inform Immigration about you. After this Immigration find your place then you will get punishment their and also need to pay compony claims. After all done your name and passport will be black listed for Malaysia for life time.
So if you want to do work properly you must need to follow your compony instructions. Otherwise you face a big PROBLEM.
Applicant Must Be Fit All Over:
Applicant must be fit in body. Physically if you have any damage in your body you are not allowed for work visa.
And if you have inside damage it will be disclosed during medical so your medical will be reject and your medical charges will be lost. So if you know you have any inside or outside damage Please don't apply because you will be rejected and lost your money.
Applicant Must Have 6 Month Valid Passport:
Please check your passport EXPIRY before apply. Because Like other countries Malaysian Immigration Need at last 6 Months valid passport. If your passport 4 or 5 moths validity you will be rejected so must check expiry before apply.
Better your passport have 1 year or one and Half year of validity because Malaysian Immigration stamp these passports without any restriction.
For Apply Online:
Just Tab On Link Visa Application Form To Get Online Farm For Application Of Malaysian VISA