
How Malaysian Companies Treat Foreign Workers?

 Malaysian Labor Laws For Foreign Workers:

A View Of Boilers(At ACC Production Plant In Malaysia)

According to Malaysian Employment Act 1955, if any company don't follow Malaysian labor laws means company commits crime. Its fine is RM 10,000 and company need to pay it. If company don't follow rules again then company need to pay fine up to RM 1000 on daily bases.

Now! What rules which company need to follow for labor, Rules are written bellow 👇

👉 Company Need To Verify Passport And Permit Of Worker Through Immigration

👉 Company Need To Provide All Safety Products To Their Worker

👉 Company Need To Give Salary With In 7 Working Days After The End Of Last Month

👉 Company Must Have First Aid Kit At Work Place 

👉 Company Can't Take Work After Taking Working Of 8 Hours From Their Labor

👉 Company Need To Pay Double Salary Of That Day When Worker Do Work On Public Holiday

👉 Company Need To Give One Rest Day In Every Week

These all are the Labor Laws according to Employment Act 1955 which every company must need to follow.

View Of Concrete Casting Factory In Malaysia

What Actually Happening:

According to my experience Malaysia filed with Chinese companies. Some companies are under Indians and mostly local markets are running under Local Malaysian people. From all over the world labor come to work in Malaysia. Indian wants to work under Indian companies, Chinese want to work under Chinese companies. Reason is to get good team. Malaysia also have lot of Bangla and Pakistani workers they all are working in different companies of Chinese and Indians, some are working in local markets under Malay supervision.
In Malaysia all companies are not same some companies are taking good care of their labor but some treat them very badly even all companies know the Employment Act 1955. It happened due to lot of illegal workers. Some companies prefer illegal persons because illegal workers can't claim any mishandle of any company. That's why companies late or stop their salaries some time give them half salary. Compony don't give any medical relief to their workers. These type of companies also take over work from their labor. But labor can't do any thing, because illegal person can't knock the door of Labor Court.
So the point is don't work illegally in Malaysia, because if you want take benefits from Malaysian Employment Act 1955 you must be a legal worker.

What A Legal Worker Can Do If His Company Don't Follow Malaysian Employment Act 1955?

If you're working in Malaysian company legally but company don't follow Labor Laws. It happened sometime because according to Malaysian rule if you sign contract with a compony your original passport with permit under compony custody due to security. But some companies treat their labor badly because company think that foreign workers don't understand labor laws properly. But according to labor law compony need to full fill all the necessary demands of their labor. Necessary demands mean Security, Safety, Accommodation and Medical.
High Commission Of Pakistan(Kuala Lumpur Malaysia)

If any company don't follow any rule you can knock the door of Malaysian Labor Court and tell your problems to Labor Court. And tell them what's going wrong in your compony. Labor Court always take action against these type of bad companies who don't follow Employment Act 1955
Some time Labor Court can't understand your actual problem, in that case you can write a letter to your Country High Commission located in Malaysia or can contact them at their website or on Pakistan Citizen's Portal. Links are given bellow 👇

👉 High Commission Of Pakistan Kuala Lumpur Malaysia: mofa.gov.pk

👉 Pakistan Citizen's Portal Launched By PM Imran Khan: citizenportal.gov.pk

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Regards: Faheem Haider FH001👍

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